Engineered monoterpene synthesis network

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Monoterpene thumb.png

This network is designed to engineer the production of monoterpenoids such as limonene, mint, spearmints and peppermints in E. coli. The network has 6 major pathways:-

  • the methylerythritolphosphate (MEP) and mevalonate (MVA) pathways that produces terpene precursors isopentenyl diphosphate (IPP) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (DMAPP);
  • the limonene synthesis pathway that uses these precursors to produce its main backbone geranyl diphosphate (GPP);
  • the spearmint and peppermint pathways that would lead to the synthesis of important intermediates for the mint pathway.
MainPage thumb.png

Enzymatic reactions in this network

Geranyl diphosphate synthase (GPPS)Limonene SynthasePulegone Reductase (PGR)Menthone:Neomenthol reductase (MNMR)Menthone:Menthol reductase (MMR)CPDMOMenthofuran synthase (MFS)Limonene-3-hydroxylase (L3H)Isopiperitenol Dehydrogenase (IPDH)Isopiperitenol Reductase (IPR)Isopulegone Isomerase (IPGI)HDSHydroxymethylbutenyl diphosphate reductase (HMBPPR)Limonene-6-Hydroxylase (L6H)Carveol Dehydrogenase (CDH)OYECHMODXSDXRCMSCMKMCSIDIAACTHMGSHMGRSchematic representation of the monoterpenoid biosynthesis network being modelled
About this image

To find out how each enzyme in the network is modelled, click on the rectangles in the figure on the left. Alternatively, you can click the enzyme names from the list below.

IPP and DMAPP Biosynthesis

Limonene Biosynthesis

Peppermint Biosynthesis

Mint Biosynthesis

Spearmint Biosynthesis

Methanofuran Biosynthesis