Synthesis of C

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SCB1 (C) is synthesized by glycerol derivative and b-keto acid derivative precursors in a reaction catalyzed by ScbA (A).

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Chemical equation

S \xrightarrow{A} C

Rate equation

In our model we assume that there is an infinite amount of substrate S for the SCB1 synthesis and that the rate of the reaction is dependent only on the concentration of the catalyst A. Therefore, the rate of the reaction is:

 r= K_{C}\cdot [A]


The parameter of this reaction is the synthesis rate of SCB1 (K_{C}).

Name Value Units Origin Remarks
K_{C} Failed to parse (Cannot store math image on filesystem.): 0.01 - 1.2 [1] [2] [3]  nM Value reported for Acyl homoserine lactone (AHL)in Vibrio fischeri and E. coli The value was chosen with the assumption that GBL production involves one rate limiting step involving the Afsa-like protein and then spontaneous cyclization.

Parameters with uncertainty

The most plausible parameter value for the K_{d2} is decided to be  5 nM and the confidence interval  1.1 . This means that the mode of the PDF is 5 and the range where 95% of the values are found is between 4.55 and 5.5 nM.

In a similar way, the most plausible value for k^{-}_{2} is 0.9 min^{-1} and the confidence interval 1.3. This means that the mode of the PDF is 0.9 and the range where 95% of the values are found is between 0.6923 and 1.17 min^{-1}.

The probability distributions for the two parameters, adjusted accordingly in order to reflect the above values, are the following:


The location and scale parameters of the distributions are:

Parameter μ σ
K_{d2} 1.6118 0.04834
k^{-}_{2} -0.0878 0.1327


  1. Schaefer AL, Val DL, Hanzelka BL, Cronan JE, Greenberg EP. Generation of cell-to-cell signals in quorum sensing: acyl homoserine lactone synthase activity of a purified Vibrio fischeri LuxI protein. PNAS 1996;93(18):9505-9509.
  2. Matthew R. Parsek, Dale L. Val, Brian L. Hanzelka, John E. Cronan, Jr., and E. P. Greenberg. Acyl homoserine-lactone quorum-sensing signal generation.PNAS 1999;96(8):4360-4365
  3. J.Garcia-Ojalvo, M. B. Elowitz, and S. H. Strogatz. Modeling a synthetic multicellular clock: Repressilators coupled by quorum sensing.PNAS 2004;101(30):10955-10960; published ahead of print July 15, 2004.