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Dr Francesco Del Carratore has a Bachelor degree in Biomedical Engineering, a Master degree in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Bioinformatics. Throughout his career, he worked across discipline boundaries and developed innovative computational approaches to answer important questions in biology. He developed a broad spectrum of research skills, from functional genome annotation to statistics for postgenomic data analysis and genome-scale metabolic modelling. Overall, he authored eleven research articles (five of them as first author) and holds on international patent. Currently, he is a post-doctoral research associate in computational biology as part of the H2020-funded project: “TOPCAPI: Thoroughly Optimised Production Chassis for Advanced Pharmaceutical Ingredients”. Within this project, he focuses on the processing and statistical analysis of genomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics data and the construction of genome-scale models. He regularly acts as invited reviewer for scientific journals and, he presented the results of his work in oral presentations at local, national and international meetings and conferences, and recently co-chaired a session at 14th International Symposium on the Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms.